A CA Gateway keystore file. This file must be a PKCS #12 file containing a private key and client certificate for Certificate Enrollment Gateway.

Specifically, to authenticate in the built-in CA Gateway service of the Certificate Authorities solution, you must:

  1. Create a user of the type described in Creating Certificate Authority tenants.
  2. Add this user as an administrator of each CA instance you want to manage, as explained in Creating Certificate Authority instances. When completing the process: 
    • Download the PKCS #12 credential file.
    • Copy the PKCS #12 password. 
  3. Select the downloaded PKCS #12 in the CAGW Keystore File (P12) field of the Certificate Enrollment Gateway configuration.
  4. Paste the PKCS #12 password in the CAGW Keystore Password field of the Certificate Enrollment Gateway configuration.

Mandatory: Yes.