Before creating your PKI hierarchy of Certificate Authorities, you must create the organization they will belong to. 

Each organization is an independent partition for a set of Certificate Authorities. Certificate Authorities in different partitions can share the same identifier.

To create an organization

  1. Open the following URL in a Web browser. 


    Where <machine> is the IP address or domain name of the machine hosting Entrust PKI Hub.

  2. Log in to the Management Console as one of the users created in Creating Certificate Authority tenants. This user will be the tenant of the new organization and the included Certificate Authorities.
  3. In the content pane, click Manage Solution under Certificate Authority (CA).
  4. Click the Operations sidebar command.
  5. Click Organizations and select Create Organization.
  6. Enter a name in the Create Organization dialog. This name:
    • Must be 3-14 characters long.
    • Can only include lowercase letters, numbers, underscores ("_"), and hyphens ("-").
    • Cannot match any of the reserved words:
      • acs
      • ca
      • cas
      • crl
      • crlagent
      • crlresponder
      • deploy
      • idp
      • main
      • meteringca
      • persistgc
      • pkihub
      • pkihubidp
      • scheduler
      • schema
      • schemas
      • schemes
      • vaagent
  7. Click Create.