evactl enroll -a <auth_code> -r <ref_number> -u <url> -l <ca_label> [-c <tls_ca_path>]

For example:

$ sudo evactl enroll -r 12473209 -a KNII-F4UH-8VX3 -u https://mycagateway.example.com:9443 -l my_issuing_ca

See below for a description of each option.

-a <auth_code>

Authenticate in the End Entity Enrollment server of CA Gateway with the <auth_code> authorization code.

Mandatory: Yes.

-c <tls_ca_path>

Validate the TLS server certificate of CA Gateway with <tls_ca_path>. Where <tls_ca_path> is the path of a CA file in PEM format.

Mandatory: No. When omitting this option, the command uses the CA configured in TLS CA certificate.

-l <ca_label>

Use the <ca_label> CA, where <ca_label> is the label of a CA in the End Entity Enrollment server of CA Gateway.

Mandatory: Yes.

-r <ref_number>

Authenticate in the End Entity Enrollment server of CA Gateway with the <ref_number>  reference_number.

Mandatory: Yes.

-u <url>

Select the End Entity Enrollment server of CA Gateway exposed in the <url>  URL.

Mandatory: Yes.