signingclient create key

This command is for administrator users only. In a normal scenario, Entrust Certificate Services automatically manages your keys and certificates.

Generates a key pair and the corresponding CSR (Certificate Signing Request).

signingclient create key --key-type <key_type> [--csr-out <csr>] [--csr-subject <subject>] [--key-id <id>] [--key-label <label>] [--log <file>] [--password <pwd>] [--verbose]

See below for the supported options.

The command signs the CSR and, therefore, consumes one of the 10,000 licensed signatures.

--csr-out <csr>

Save the generated CSR in the <csr> file path.

Mandatory: No. When omitting this option, the command skips the CSR generation.

--csr-subject <subject>

Use <subject> as the Subject of the certificate request. Where <subject> is a full Distinguished Name (DN) or Relative Distinguished Name (RDN).

For Entrust Validation Authority to recognize the Subject, the DN attributes must be in capital letters.

For example:

CN=Example User,O=Example,C=US
CN=Example User

Mandatory : No. When omitting this option, the Subject in the generated certificate request defaults to the following:


Where <key_id> is the key identifier.

--key-id <id>

Set <id> as the hexadecimal key identifier.

Mandatory: No. When omitting this option, the identifier is the public key's SHA1.

--key-label <label>

Set <label> as the key label.

Mandatory: No. When omitting this option, the label is the key identifier.

--key-type <key_type>

Create a key of the <key_type> type, where <key_type> is one of the following.

  • RSA2048

  • RSA3072

  • RSA4096

  • ECDSAP256

  • ECDSAP384

  • ECDSAP521

Mandatory: Yes.

--log <file>

Record the command execution in a log file with the <file> path.

  • If the file does not exist, the command creates it.

  • If the file exists, the command appends the execution log.

Mandatory: No. When omitting this option, the command does not record a log.

--password <pwd>

Set <pwd> as the token password.

Mandatory: No. When omitting this option, the command prompts for the password value.


Print additional error information (if any).

Mandatory: No.