Revision information

See the below table for the issues of this document.






June 2024

Azure requirements for the PKIaaS Virtual Machine

New section

Configuring MDM automation in Ivanti Neurons MDM

Update the configuration steps to reflect the changes from Ivanti MobileIron to Ivanti Neurons


February 2024

Automating WSTEP enrollment with an Entrust-hosted Enrollment Gateway

New section


October 2023

Role-Based Access Control

New role-based access control feature

Post-quantum Lab experimental region

New region to test PQ key types

Multiuse certificate profiles

New certificate profiles


May 2023

Certification Authority instantiation

Remove the region limitation per ECS account

Getting the Intune Service URL

Getting Certificate Enrollment Gateway settings for MDM

Add Intune and MDM URLs for the US and EU regions

PKIaaS subscriber certificate profiles

Update the default validity from 3 to 1 year for most subscriber certificate profiles

Migrating a customer-hosted Enrollment Gateway to Entrust-hosted

Add this new section


March 2023

Automating Intune enrollment with an Entrust-hosted Enrollment Gateway

Automating MDM enrollment with an Entrust-hosted Enrollment Gateway

Integrating third-party tools with the Entrust CA Gateway API

Azure Firewall Intermediate CA certificate profile

Add these new sections


November 2022

TLS Proxy CA certificate profile

Add this new feature

MDMWS certificate profiles

Add the P12 and client authentication profiles


October 2021

All sections

Release the document