Click SCEP on the Options tab and configure the following settings.


Paste the SCEP URL value obtained when Getting Certificate Enrollment Gateway settings for MDM.

Mandatory: Yes.


Enter the name of the SCEP service to display on the device.

Mandatory: Yes.

Redistribute Profile

Select Never.

Mandatory: Yes.


Enter the Subject Distinguished Name to include in the Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs). The enrollment process will ignore this dummy value and use the digital identifier.

Mandatory: Yes.

Subject Alternative Name Type

Select the type of Subject Alternative Name.

Mandatory: No.


Select the maximum number of retries after a PENDING response.

Mandatory: No.

Retry delay

Select the period between retries.

Mandatory: No.

Challenge type

Select Dynamic Entrust.

Mandatory: Yes.

Entrust Web Service URL

Paste the MDM-WS-URL value obtained when Getting Certificate Enrollment Gateway settings for MDM.

Mandatory: Yes.

Administrator Username

Paste the User ID value obtained when Getting Certificate Enrollment Gateway settings for MDM.

Mandatory: Yes.

Administrator Password

Paste the Password value obtained when Getting Certificate Enrollment Gateway settings for MDM.

Mandatory: Yes.

Verify Password

Paste the Password value obtained when Getting Certificate Enrollment Gateway settings for MDM.

Mandatory: Yes.

Digital ID Configuration Name

Paste the Name value obtained when Getting Certificate Enrollment Gateway settings for MDM.

Mandatory: Yes.

Group Name

Enter a name for the group.

Mandatory: When the RDN Format of the digital identifier includes the <iggroup> variable. In this case, Jamf will automatically map this Group Name to the <iggroup> variable.

RDN Variables

Enter a value for each variable evaluated by the RDN Format of the digital identifier.

To use Jamf dynamic values, insert the following variables:

Omit the following variables from the list of RDN Variables.

  • <igusername>

  • <devicetype>

These two variables do not need to be added because Jamf always provides values for these variables.

Mandatory: Yes.

Key Size

Select one of the following values.

  • 2048

  • 4096

Entrust PKIaaS does not support key sizes below 2048.

Mandatory: Yes.

Use as digital signature

Check to use the enrolled certificates for signing data.

Mandatory: No.

Use for key encipherment

Check to use the enrolled certificates for ciphering keys.

Mandatory: No.


Paste the SHA-256 fingerprint (in hexadecimal format) of the whole root CA certificate in DER binary encoding (not in PEM). You can obtain this value from the certificate properties or run the following commands.

certutil -hashfile rootca.der SHA256
openssl x509 -fingerprint -sha256 -noout -in rootca.crt | sed "s/[:]//g"

Mandatory: Yes. It is recommended to always configure this field when possible.