Imports the configuration of a Thales HSM. Use the following syntax to import this configuration from a ZIP file.

​evactl import-thales -d <package_path> [-y]

Use the following syntax to import this configuration from a Chrystoki file.

evactl import-thales -c <cert_dir> -k <chrystoki> [-y]

For example:

$ sudo evactl import-thales -c ./eva-thales-config/cert -k ./eva-thales-config/Chrystoki.conf -y
Saving Thales configuration... Done
Warning: EVA is already deployed! To apply the changes, EVA needs to be redeployed using the evactl deploy command.

See below for a description of each option.

Changes will be effective when deploying (or redeploying) the solution with the Management Console or the clusterctl deploy  command.

-c <cert_dir>

Import the client and server certificates for the Luna Network or DPoD authentication. Where <cert_dir> is the path of a cert directory with the following contents.

│ <clientKey>.pem
│ <clientCert>.pem

See below for a description of each field.




The file name of a PEM file containing the client's private key.


The file name of a PEM file containing the client's certificate.


The file name of a PEM file containing the CA certificate for validating the server's certificate.

After running the command, verify the Chrystoki.conf file includes the following configuration.

ClientPrivKeyFile = /usr/safenet/lunaclient/cert/client/<clientKey>.pem;
ClientCertFile = /usr/safenet/lunaclient/cert/client/<clientCert>.pem;
ServerCAFile = /usr/safenet/lunaclient/cert/server/<caCert>.pem;

Do not modify any other path in the Chrystoki.conf file.

Mandatory: Yes.

-d <package_path>

Use the <package_path> DPoD configuration package, where <package_path> is the path of the ZIP package file.

Mandatory: Yes.

-k <chrystoki>

Import the <chrystoki> configuration of the Luna Network or DPoD client, where <chrystoki> is the path of the Christoky.conf file.

Mandatory: Yes.


Skip the confirmation prompt.