Installing the Signing Automation License

Run the signingclient process license command to install the following types of Signing Automation License.

  • Signed files with the .lic extension. See Downloading the Signing Automation License for how to obtain these files.

  • Password-protected zip files. The signing client supports this legacy format for backward compatibility.

For example:

>SigningClient.exe process license intsasapi2w.lic
Organization ID: intsasapi2w
Choose the user to configure:
1) admin1
Select number [1-1]: 1
User ID: admin1
Create a password to protect your credentials
New password:
Confirm password:
Writing credentials to: C:\Users\romeror\AppData\Roaming\Entrust\SigningClient\credentials
Writing config to: C:\Users\romeror\AppData\Roaming\Entrust\SigningClient\config
Choose the token to configure:
1) token82809
Select number [1-1]: 1
Token ID: token82809
Writing config to: C:\Users\romeror\AppData\Roaming\Entrust\SigningClient\config
Process license OK

See below for a description of the generated files.

See Setting the P11PKIHUB_CONFIG variable for how to change the default path of these files.