Signing Windows files with SignTool and the Entrust KSP library

To sign files with SignTool – or other supported tools – and the Entrust KSP library, you need to identify the Entrust Code Signing Certificate to use, either by:

  • The certificate thumbprint.

  • The CN field of the Subject value.

You can obtain both values by running the following command in a PowerShell console.

get-childitem cert:\CurrentUser\MY

For example:

>Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\My
PSParentPath: Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\Certificate::CurrentUser\My
Thumbprint Subject
---------- -------  
5226DA79***************17F23832800BA2A CN=Entrust, ........

See below for how to sign Windows files with these values.

Running SignTool with the Entrust validation certificate CN

The following command signs the Windows file in the <file_path> path and identifies the Entrust validation certificate with the <subject_cn> subject CN.

signtool sign /n "<subject_cn>" /fd SHA256 /tr "" /td SHA256 <file_path>

For example:

>signtool sign /n "Entrust" /fd SHA256 /tr "" /td SHA256 ./demo.exe
Done Adding Additional Store
Successfully signed: ./demo.exe

Running SignTool with the Entrust validation certificate thumbprint

The following command signs the Windows file in the <file_path> path and identifies the Entrust validation certificate with the <cert_thumbprint> thumbprint.

​​signtool sign /sha1 "<cert_thumbprint>" /fd SHA256 /tr "" /td SHA256 <file_path>

For example:

>signtool sign /sha1 "5226DA79***************17F23832800BA2A" /fd SHA256 /tr "" /td SHA256 ./demo.exe
Done Adding Additional Store
Successfully signed: ./demo.exe